Independent Electoral Review

Closed 14 Nov 2022

Opened 13 Sep 2022


The Independent Electoral Review (the review) was set up by the Minister of Justice to review Aotearoa New Zealand’s election laws. Modern and accessible electoral law is important for our democracy to function well. Large parts of our electoral law have remained the same for over 60 years and have become outdated.

This review is an opportunity to make election rules clearer, fairer, and more accessible for current and future generations. It covers almost everything to do with how elections work. Broader constitutional matters are not being considered as part of the Review. This includes alternatives to the MMP voting system, the role and functions of the Head of State, re-establishing an Upper House, the current size of Parliament, and the future of the Māori electorate seats. Online voting is also out of scope.

Why your views matter

Have your say

We want to hear from all New Zealanders about their experiences and ideas for the future of the electoral system. The review includes two stages of public consultation: the first stage ended on 14 November 2022 and the second stage will begin in May 2023.

The first stage of public consultation is now closed. We are currently considering what we have heard and developing recommendations on what could change.

In May 2023, we will release an interim report with draft recommendations and invite feedback on these. Our final recommendations are due with the Government in November 2023.

Want to know more?

  • Visit our website to find out more about the Review and to read our Consultation Document. A summary, translations, and alternate formats are also available. 
  • You can also find all versions of our Consultation Document at the end of this page.

This consultation was hosted by the Ministry of Justice because the Ministry is providing administrative support to the review. This does not limit the independence of the panel leading the review.

Privacy and Official Information

The panel intends to release the submissions that it receives. When you submitted, you were asked whether you were comfortable with your name and comments being released.

Your submission could also be subject to a request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Official Information Act). We will take your views into account when responding to requests under the Official Information Act. 

The Privacy Act 2020 governs how the Independent Electoral Review collects, holds, uses, and shares personal information about you and the information you provide. You have the right to access and to correct this personal information.

What happens next

Once we've heard everyone's views on our current electoral laws, we will develop proposals for the future of our electoral system.

In 2023, we'll invite feedback on our draft recommendations, which we will consider before providing our final report to the Minister of Justice at the end of the year. 


  • All New Zealanders


  • Surveys and consultations