78 results
Litigation Skills Video 4 Feedback
Litigation Skills Video 4 - Ethical issues and Dilemmas MoreOpened 21 January 2025 -
Public consultation on the Arms Act rewrite
We are rewriting the Arms Act to ensure it provides for greater protection of public safety, reflects best regulatory practice, and is fit for purpose . The rewrite is a key part of the commitment made by the Government in the Coalition Agreement between the National Party and ACT Party to reform New Zealand’s firearms system. Visit the Firearms reform webpage for more information. Firearms reform MoreOpened 13 January 2025 -
5th Periodic Report under the International Covenant for Economic Social and Cultural Rights Feedback
The Government is preparing its latest report to the United Nations on economic, social and cultural rights in New Zealand. New Zealand is one of more than 170 countries that have ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (the Covenant). The Covenant is a treaty that recognises the importance of a variety of rights such as health, education, working conditions and living standards. Countries that have signed the Covenant have to report... MoreOpened 12 December 2024 -
Long-Term Insights Briefing: The Future of Courts and Justice Services
Nau mai, haere mai. Long-term Insights Briefings are a government initiative requiring agencies to develop and share insights on the trends, risks and opportunities that affect, or may affect, Aotearoa New Zealand. Under the Public Service Act 2020, government department chief executives are required to publish a Briefing at least once every three years. Long-Term Insights Briefings are not government policy. They are intended to help us think about the... MoreOpened 12 December 2024 -
Ngāti Whakahemo draft Mandate Strategy online submissions form
Ngāti Whakahemo Claims Trust (NWCT), in consultation with the Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti, has prepared a draft Mandate Strategy. This sets out their representative structure and the proposed process by which they will seek the support of the Ngāti Whakahemo claimant community to commence negotiations with the Crown. Te Arawhiti is seeking the views of the Ngāti Whakahemo claimant community on whether the mandating process, as set out in the draft... MoreOpened 2 November 2024 -
Review of Courts (Remote Participation) Act 2010
The Ministry of Justice is undertaking a first principles review of the Courts (Remote Participation) Act 2010 and is now seeking public feedback on options for change. The Act provides a framework for determining when court users can attend remotely by audio-visual or audio links instead of in-person. The Act is unclear in places, and it has not kept up with evolving court practices and attitudes to remote technology. It also has not been substantially reviewed... MoreOpened 31 October 2024 -
Litigation Skills Video 3 Feedback
Litigation Skills Video 3 - Cross Examination. MoreOpened 10 October 2024 -
Improving timeliness of jury trials
The Ministry of Justice is undertaking work to reduce delays and improve timeliness of jury trials. We are consulting on two options for change: increasing the jury trial threshold; and enabling flexibility in the timing of jury election. MoreOpened 19 September 2024 -
Family Violence Court Whangārei - Tai Timu Tai Pari Feedback (Wrap-around Service)
E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā Iwi, e rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa, He karanga tēnei kia honohono mai tātou me tā tātou ope katoa ki te whakanui i te kaupapa nei, ko Te Ao Mārama. Thank you for being a part of the Te Ao Mārama kaupapa with us this far. As you are aware, Tai Timu Tai Pari have been operating in the Criminal Family Violence Court list since 16 May, to test and validate a new wrap-around service (the service) model. Key features of the service... MoreOpened 28 August 2024 -
Ngāti Whakaue draft Deed of Mandate
Related documents available here . On 26 February 2010, the Crown recognised a mandate for Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue to negotiate a settlement for outstanding historical Treaty of Waitangi claims on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue. The Crown and Te Komiti Nui signed Terms of Negotiation in 2014. Negotiations continued until 2016, when they were paused due to differing positions between the Crown and Te Komiti Nui. In July 2022, Te Komiti Nui wrote to the... MoreOpened 19 August 2024 -
4th Universal Periodic Review: feedback on recommendations
The Ministry of Justice would like to hear your feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand's fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Eighty-eight countries made a total of 259 recommendations on how New Zealand can take further steps to improve our human rights situation. The recommendations are included in the report of the Human Rights Council which can be accessed through the download link below. Download: Report of the Working Group... MoreOpened 20 May 2024 -
Family Violence Programme - Participant Feedback Survey
This survey is for people who have attended a Ministry of Justice family violence programme. Completing this survey is voluntary, and will help us improve the programme. Please note that we will not be responding to feedback as the survey is anonymous. If you would like to make a complaint about the programme please talk to your programme provider in the first instance. If you would like to make a complaint to the Ministry for response, please visit Question,... MoreOpened 1 July 2023 -
2023 Annual Te Aorerekura Hui Survey
An opportunity to feedback from the 2023 Annual Te Aorerekura Hui. MoreOpened 28 June 2023 -
Claimant funding for Tūāpapa o te Tika events (Justice System Kaupapa Inquiry Wai 3060)
We are seeking feedback about claimant funding provided by the Ministry of Justice for the Tūāpapa o Te Tika events held in May and June 2023 in the Justice System Kaupapa Inquiry. Responses to this survey will be anonymous. No identifiable data will be collected. MoreOpened 14 June 2023 -
Independent Electoral Review draft recommendations
The Independent Electoral Review was established by the Minister of Justice to consider how to make our election rules clearer, fairer, and more accessible for current and future generations. Over the past year, we've been reviewing the electoral system to find out what is working well and what could change. Our first stage of engagement ran from September to November 2022 and helped us to better understand different viewpoints on the review topics. On 6 June, we released our ... MoreOpened 6 June 2023 -
Register your interest - Political lobbying project
In April 2023, the Government announced several measures aimed at providing greater transparency around lobbying at Parliament. The Ministry of Justice is leading two of these measures by: supporting “third-party” lobbyists who lobby on behalf of others to come together to develop a voluntary code of conduct to improve transparency and accountability that will serve as a set of guidelines undertaking a review of the different policy options for... MoreOpened 1 June 2023 -
Project Online Capability
Kia ora Thanks so much for taking a few minutes of your busy day to complete this very brief Project Online survey. MoreOpened 29 May 2023 -
Coronial Current State Report - Police
Te Tāhū o te Ture - the Ministry of Justice is working on a project to better understand the current state of the initial stages of the Coroners Court in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we need your help. We want to hear from the judiciary and those who work within the initial stages of the Coroners Court – this includes Police, transport providers, and NIIO. We want to hear about your experiences – whether you think the services are currently meeting people’s needs, what’s... MoreOpened 2 May 2023 -
Coronial Current State Report - NIIO
Te Tāhū o te Ture - the Ministry of Justice is working on a project to better understand the current state of the initial stages of the Coroners Court in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we need your help. We want to hear from the judiciary and those who work within the initial stages of the Coroners Court – this includes Police, transport providers, and NIIO. We want to hear about your experiences – whether you think the services are currently meeting people’s needs, what’s... MoreOpened 2 May 2023 -
Coronial Current State Report - Transport Providers
Te Tāhū o te Ture - the Ministry of Justice is working on a project to better understand the current state of the initial stages of the Coroners Court in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we need your help. We want to hear from the judiciary and those who work within the initial stages of the Coroners Court – this includes Police, transport providers, and NIIO. We want to hear about your experiences – whether you think the services are currently meeting people’s needs, what’s... MoreOpened 2 May 2023 -
Coronial Current State Report - Coroners
Te Tāhū o te Ture - the Ministry of Justice is working on a project to better understand the current state of the initial stages of the Coroners Court in Aotearoa New Zealand, and we need your help. We want to hear from the judiciary and those who work within the initial stages of the Coroners Court/Duty Coroner stage – this includes Police, transport providers, and NIIO. We want to hear about your experiences – whether you think the services are currently meeting... MoreOpened 2 May 2023 -
Service gaps for family violence and sexual violence
Aotearoa New Zealand has high rates of family violence and sexual violence (FVSV). W e know that there are big gaps in FVSV services , and that not everyone can access the support they need when they experience or use violence. Tangata whenua, Pacific peoples, children and young people, disabled people, LGBTQIA+ communities, ethnic communities, older people and people who use violence are especially impacted by FVSV service gaps. Te Aorerekura — the... MoreOpened 29 March 2023 -
MLC User Experience Survey 2023
MLC User Experience Survey 2023 MoreOpened 15 March 2023 -
Budget 2023 Review
This survey is to gather feedback from the Budget Investment Working Group on Te Puna Aonui’s coordination of the Budget 2023 process. This feedback will help us shape how we collectively approach and manage Budget 2024. This review will also support Te Puna Aonui to develop the Investment Plan for Te Aorerekura. MoreOpened 2 March 2023 -
Court-appointed Interpreter Services Quality Framework
Interpreters play a fundamental role in courts and tribunals, they enable access to justice by ensuring justice is equally available to all court participants, regardless of the language they use. The use of an interpreter in a court or tribunal helps break down the language barrier and allows participants to communicate effectively during proceedings. One of the ways the Ministry of Justice is enhancing the existing interpreter service is by developing a quality framework. This will... MoreOpened 13 January 2023 -
Independent Electoral Review
The Independent Electoral Review (the review) was set up by the Minister of Justice to review Aotearoa New Zealand’s election laws. Modern and accessible electoral law is important for our democracy to function well. Large parts of our electoral law have remained the same for over 60 years and have become outdated. This review is an opportunity to make election rules clearer, fairer, and more accessible for current and future generations. It covers almost... MoreOpened 13 September 2022 -
Long-term Insights Briefing
Nau mai, haere mai, welcome to the second round of consultation on the Justice Sector Long-term Insights Briefing. Last year we asked for your views on our proposed topic for this consultation: Long-term insights about imprisonment and what these tell us about future risks and opportunities. Thank you to the 1,500 New Zealanders who took part, your input was valuable and has helped inform the draft briefing. We now invite you to take part in the... MoreOpened 12 September 2022 -
Digital Strategy for Courts and Tribunals - Draft for Consultation
Digital Strategy for Courts of New Zealand The Digital Strategy addresses how technology can enable courts to do better what they do now, capitalising on the lessons learned about use of technology in the courts during the Covid-19 pandemic. It also looks at how technology can enable courts to administer justice in new ways to better serve the community, including those whose justice needs are not currently being met. The Government’s announcement of significant investment in... MoreOpened 6 September 2022 -
Broadening the Privacy Act’s notification rules
The Government is considering potential changes to the notification rules for collecting personal information under the Privacy Act 2020. The Ministry of Justice wants to hear from stakeholders and the public on the form and scope of the proposals. They would broaden the Act’s requirements for an individual to be notified when an agency collects their personal information indirectly through a third party. Extending the requirement to indirect collection would promote... MoreOpened 6 September 2022 -
Review of the Intelligence and Security Act 2017
Independent reviewers are reviewing the Intelligence and Security Act 2017 (the Act). The Prime Minister has appointed Sir Terence Arnold KNZM and Matanuku Mahuika to undertake the review. She has also appointed Dr Penelope Ridings as special advisor to support the review. They are keen to hear any views you may have about the Act. The purpose of the Act is to protect New Zealand as a free, open and democratic society. One way it does this is by establishing clear... MoreOpened 1 August 2022
78 results.
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