Welcome to the Ministry of Justice consultation hub

This site will help you find and participate in consultations that interest you.

Recently updated consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

For further information, see the Ministry's consultation section.

Open Consultations

  • Improving timeliness of jury trials

    The Ministry of Justice is undertaking work to reduce delays and improve timeliness of jury trials. We are consulting on two options for change: increasing the jury trial threshold; and enabling flexibility in the timing of jury election.

    Closes 31 October 2024

  • Family Violence Programme - Participant Feedback Survey

    This survey is for people who have attended a Ministry of Justice family violence programme. Completing this survey is voluntary, and will help us improve the programme. Please note that we will not be responding to feedback as the survey is anonymous. If you would like to...

    Closes 30 June 2025

Closed Consultations

  • Empowering women in justice feedback

    A regional workshop on strengthening access to justice and empowering women in Pacific judiciaries 23-24 September 2024

    Closed 15 October 2024

  • Ngāti Whakaue draft Deed of Mandate

    Related documents available here . On 26 February 2010, the Crown recognised a mandate for Te Komiti Nui o Ngāti Whakaue to negotiate a settlement for outstanding historical Treaty of Waitangi claims on behalf of Ngāti Whakaue. The Crown and Te Komiti Nui signed Terms of...

    Closed 22 September 2024

  • Family Violence Court Whangārei - Tai Timu Tai Pari Feedback (Wrap-around Service)

    E ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā Iwi, e rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou katoa, He karanga tēnei kia honohono mai tātou me tā tātou ope katoa ki te whakanui i te kaupapa nei, ko Te Ao Mārama. Thank you for being a part of the Te Ao Mārama kaupapa with us this far. As you are aware, Tai Timu...

    Closed 4 September 2024

  • Register your interest - Political lobbying project

    In April 2023, the Government announced several measures aimed at providing greater transparency around lobbying at Parliament. The Ministry of Justice is leading two of these measures by: supporting “third-party” lobbyists who lobby on behalf of others to come together to...

    Closed 31 August 2024

  • 4th Universal Periodic Review: feedback on recommendations

    The Ministry of Justice would like to hear your feedback on the recommendations from New Zealand's fourth Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at the Human Rights Council in Geneva. Eighty-eight countries made a total of 259 recommendations on how New Zealand can take further steps to improve our...

    Closed 2 June 2024

We Asked, You Said, We Did

Here are some of the issues we have consulted on and their outcomes.

We asked

Thank you for your interest in taking part in this survey

By taking part in this survey you will be providing information to help develop a National Strategy and Action Plans to eliminate family violence and sexual violence.

You said

What we have understood

Regular updates summarising what we're learning from hui and submissions can be accessed in the Kōrero Mai - Have Your Say part of our website. 


We did

The formal engagement period for contributions to inform the National Strategy and Action Plans has now closed.

To keep up to date on progress, or for further information on the National Strategy and Action Plans, please see www.violencefree.govt.nz

Your safety is important to us

If there is something urgent you need help with please contact the services below:

  • If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, dial 111 for the Police.
  • If you want to talk to someone about sexual violence, call Safe to Talk Helpline – 0800 044334
  • If you want to talk to someone about family violence, call Family Violence Helpline:0800 456 450