Public consultation on the Arms Act rewrite
Theme 1: Purpose of regulating firearms access, possession, and use
This section of the document seeks your views on the purpose section of the Act and the general principles of the Act. The overall purpose of the Act will establish how public safety is supported while providing for the legitimate use of firearms. A purpose section in an Act is important because it helps people understand and apply the legislation. It also guides how the legislation is interpreted and how regulators exercise their powers.
What the Act seeks to do
The Act provides rules that seek to keep New Zealanders safe from firearm harm. The Act does this by regulating:
- the availability of products, e.g. firearms, parts, and ammunition
- who can access the products, i.e. through licensing, endorsements and permits to possess
- the activities and where firearms may be used, e.g. pistols can only be used on pistol ranges.
The Act also provides ways of supporting firearms licence holders to meet their responsibilities and sets out what kinds of behaviours are not safe or are illegal to ensure public safety.