Te Pūkotahitanga Regional Wānanga

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Closes 30 May 2025


Tēnā koe

Thank you for participating in the recent Te Pūkotahitanga Regional Wānanga. We are committed to learning about how the wānanga can support you and our collective kaupapa. Please take 10 minutes to share your insight and reflections with us. The survey will remain open until 20 April 2025.
All responses are anonymous. All responses from each wānanga will be collated as well as across all wānanga to identify themes and key findings.
If you have any pātai about this survey, please contact Te Kaiārahi at mag-secretariat@tepunaaonui.govt.nz.

1. Where did you attend the Te Pūkotahitanga Regional Wānanga?
2. To what extent do you think the following were achieved through the wānanga? (With 1 being "not at all", and 5 being "completely")
3. Please rank the following sessions from 1 being the most valuable, to 7 being the least valuable to you?
4. To what extent did the following aspects of the wānanga make you feel valued, supported, or uplifted as a kaimahi Māori? (With 1 being "not at all", and 5 being "completely")
5. With 1 being not at all, and 5 being completely, did you gain a deeper understanding of the role and impact of Te Pūkotahitanga as a result of the regional wānanga?
6. What are the 3 key issues and opportunities impacting your region?
7. What are the 3 key challenges and opportunities for workforce development would you like to see in future wānanga?
8. Which local solutions or innovations shared during the wānanga stood out to you as particularly impactful or inspiring?
9. Is there anything else you would like to share about the wānanga?
10. Would you like to be on the Matatuhi email list?
11. Please share your email to be included on the Matatuhi email list